7 tipi di scale

The stair has always translated into forms the practical necessity of linking uphill, modeling and measuring the shapes of the earth with steps. But it has as well defined a physical space for the most important spiritual aspirations of man.
Thus, like the other universal elements of architecture, the scale first shows a function closely linked to the essence of form (an ontological function), and then expresses a symbolic value that transcends form.
The different relationship between ontological and symbolic function results in formal and semantic variations. This book, which derives from Paolo Marcoaldi’s PhD Thesis, takes a different focus on some distant architectures in time or a very close past, and suggests a new way of reading the history of architecture through the lens of a single element.



Paolo Marcoaldi


Marcoaldi, P. (2015). 7 tipi di scale. 1st ed. Ariccia (RM): Aracne Editrice, p.308. ISBN 9788854881211.


The book derives from Paolo marcoaldi's PhD Thesis in Architecture. Theory and Projects
Department: Architecture and Design, Sapienza University of Rome
Coordinator: Prof. Antonino Saggio
PhD Tutor: Prof. Orazio Carpenzano